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Blog Dbaplex Brasil

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Elastic Block Store (EBS): Enhancing Block Storage in the Cloud

As businesses increasingly shift their workloads to the cloud, the need for reliable storage solutions becomes paramount. Amazon Web Services' (AWS) Elastic Block Store (EBS) fills this gap, providing block storage for use with EC2 instances.

What is Elastic Block Store (EBS)?

EBS is a block storage solution that allows you to create storage volumes and attach them to EC2 instances. It's designed for applications that require low-latency storage and is ideal for workloads like databases and file systems.

Key Features

1. Durability: EBS volumes are automatically replicated, ensuring protection and preventing component failures.

2. Flexibility: EBS lets you choose between different volume types, each optimized for a specific use case.

3. Snapshot and Backup: Easily create snapshots of your volumes, allowing for data backups and recovery.

4. Performance: EBS delivers high performance for I/O-intensive workloads.

In summary, Elastic Block Store (EBS) stands as a vital solution for businesses looking for robust and scalable block storage in the AWS cloud.

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