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SQL Server Deprecated Features since Version 2005

SQL Server

Microsoft has been depreciating some features of SQL Server over the years. Below are the features that have been deprecated in various versions of SQL Server since 2005. Please note that this list is not comprehensive, and specific recommendations may vary depending on individual circumstances.

First and foremost, a general advisory is that whenever Microsoft announces that a feature is obsolete, it is a good idea to start planning to move away from that feature, even if it is still available in the latest versions. This is because, eventually, these features will be removed in future releases.

SQL Server 2005:

  1. The = and = syntax for outer joins was deprecated.

  2. The COMPUTE BY clause was deprecated.

  3. The database option for compatibility levels lower than 80 was discontinued.

SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2:

  1. The database mirroring feature was marked as obsolete.

  2. The sys.sysprocesses table was marked as obsolete.

SQL Server 2012:

  1. The FILESTREAM feature for storing data outside of SQL Server was deprecated.

  2. The usage of 32-bit SQL Server was marked as obsolete.

SQL Server 2014:

  1. The sp_dboption stored procedure was discontinued.

  2. The use of @@LANGUAGE and @@LANGID was discontinued.

SQL Server 2016:

  1. The SQL Server Clustering functionality for older operating systems was deprecated.

  2. The database option for compatibility levels lower than 100 was discontinued.

SQL Server 2017:

  1. The CLR (Common Language Runtime) was discontinued.

  2. SQL Server Service Broker was discontinued.

Please note that these are just some of the deprecated features in each version. For a complete list, check the official Microsoft SQL Server documentation.

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