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SQL Server Log Shipping: A Solution for disaster recovery

SQL Server Log Shipping

Hello, readers! In today’s post, we are addressing the concept of Log Shipping, one of the most efficient and reliable features for disaster recovery in SQL Server. Learn how it operates and how to implement it to ensure business continuity in case of a server failure.

What is Log Shipping?

Log Shipping is a high-availability technique that involves automating the process of backing up transaction logs from one SQL Server (primary server) and subsequently restoring them on one or more SQL Servers (secondary servers). This keeps a secondary copy of the database which can be utilized in case the primary server fails.

How Does It Work?

1. Backup: The process starts with taking a backup of transaction logs on the primary server.

2. Copy: The backup files are then copied to the secondary server(s).

3. Restore: Finally, the backup files are restored on the secondary server(s) in standby mode.


1. Disaster Recovery: In case the primary server fails, one of the secondary servers can quickly take over.

2. Minimal Maintenance: Log Shipping is easy to set up and requires minimal maintenance.

3. Reduced Load on Primary Server: Read queries can be directed to the secondary servers, reducing the load on the primary server.

How to Implement

1. In SQL Server Management Studio, connect to the primary server.

2. Go to the properties of the database you want to configure Log Shipping for.

3. In the “Transaction Log Shipping” tab, check the “Enable this as a primary database in a log shipping configuration” option.

4. Configure the backup, copy, and restore settings as needed.

5. Click OK to complete the configuration.


Log Shipping is an effective technique that offers high availability and disaster recovery for SQL Server databases. Its straightforward setup and minimal maintenance make it a popular choice among database administrators.

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